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Confronting the Homelessness Crisis through Storytelling
“To House” pop-up installation, Seattle, Washington, USA

In 2015, King County and the City of Seattle declared a housing affordability crisis and a homelessness state of emergency. Nevertheless, the number of people living without secure housing continues to grow, and the region currently has the third largest concentration of homeless individuals in the United States.

“To House” is a mobile, pop-up exhibit that addresses this crisis by challenging misconceptions around homelessness through interactive storytelling modalities. “To House” was initially developed for the 2018 Seattle Design Festival (SDF) in collaboration with the AIA Seattle Committee on Homelessness and Real Change, a popular street newspaper providing low barrier employment for low-income individuals and people experiencing homelessness. Real Change vendors participated in the project by providing their personal stories for the exhibit and by interacting with visitors during SDF. Centered on these real-life stories, the exhibit educates visitors on a range of ways to move on these issues, from small acts of kindness to political involvement.

Designed for easy disassembly, transport, and re-use, “To House” was also displayed at Real Change’s annual fundraiser in 2018, and at the 2019 iteration of SDF. The design also includes educational literature, and graphics conceived as standalone public service announcements to be featured on public transport.

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Project Credits

Design Team

AIA Seattle Committee on Homelessness: Anton Dekom, Alexander Froelich, Elizabeth Golden, Forest Hooker, Angus MacGregor, Ming Yuan

Real Change News: Addis Michael Jr., Ed Arthur, Lisa Sawyer, Emma Spickard, Camilla Walter

Visual Communication Designers

Kate Degman, Eva Grate


Schuchart/Dow: Jim Dow, Katie Easton, Arial Kemp, Janos Mathiesen, Ben Rand, Mark Torchie


Miller Hull Partnership, Mithun, TCA, Olson Kundig, Weber Thompson


© Philip Straeter

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The Phoenix Co-op